Transactions of the Philological Society (TPhS)

Transactions of the Philological SocietyTPhS is an international journal publishing evidence-based approaches to all areas of linguistics with a particular focus on the comparative and historical, and is inclusive of the widest possible range of languages.

TPhS has appeared since 1854 and continues the earlier Proceedings (1842-53) making it the oldest scholarly journal devoted to the general study of language and languages that has an unbroken tradition. It is published in three issues a year and distributed to all PhilSoc members as part of their subscription package. TPhS is also available to non-members, and to institutions and libraries, through the publisher, John Wiley.

Members can register for access to TPhS online by e-mailing with their membership number.


Editor:  Delia Bentley (University of Manchester, UK)

Consulting Editors:
Frans Plank (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester, UK)

Editorial Board:

Gilles Authier (Paris)
Alison Biggs (UPenn)
Claire Bowern (Yale)
Michela Cennamo (Naples)
Hilary Chappell (Paris)
Ashwini Deo (Ohio)
Pattie Epps (UTA)
David Goldstein (UCLA)
Jeff Good (Buffalo)
Rebecca Grollemund (Missouri)
John Hajek (Melbourne)
Mallory Matsumoto (University of Texas, Austin)
Marianne Mithun (UCSB)
Tatiana Nikitina (CNRS)
Joe Perry (Hong Kong)
Don Ringe (UPenn)

ISSN 0079-1636; online: ISSN 1467-968X

Files available to download:

  • Simon Poulsen
    Addenda et Corrigenda for Simoin Poulsen "Loanwords and Linguistic Phylogenetics: *peleku- ‘axe’ and *(H)a(i)g- ‘goat’"
    Issue: 123.1
  • Margaret Laing and Roger Lass
    Appendix to Margaret Laing & Roger Lass 'Voiced or voiceless? Old english In Middle English Sequences'
    Issue: 117.1
  • Marek Majer
    Appendix to Marek Majer "The ‘fiver’ Germanic ‘finger’, balto-slavic de-numeral adjectives in *-ERO- and their Indo-European background”
    Issue: 115.2
  • Helen Sims-Williams
    Supplementary data to Analogical Levelling and Optimisation: The Treatment of Pointless Lexical Allomorphy in Greek
    Issue: 114.3, 315–338
  • Peter Petré
    On the distribution and merger of is and bið in Old and Middle English
    Issue: 111.3: 310-325
  • Landau
    Colour graphics in 'On the reading and interpretation of the month-line in the Gothic calendar'
    Issue: 104.1: 3-12
  • Slaska
    Supplement to 'Lexicostatistics away from the armchair: handling people, props and problems'
    Issue: 103.2: 221--242
  • Atkinson, Nicholls, Welch and Gray
    Appendix to 'From words to dates: water into wine, mathemagic or phylogenetic inference?'
    Issue: 103.2: 193--219
  • Wang and Minett
    Appendix to 'Vertical and horizontal transmission in language evolution' (pdf)
    Issue: 103.2: 121--146
  • Johnson
    Appendix for 'The reconstruction of labial stop-consonant clusters in Proto-Far-Western Hmongic' (pdf)
    Issue: 100.1: 25--58