List of connected organisations
The Philological Society is connected in different ways with a number of organisations whose aims overlap with those of the Society. These connections are important to the Society since there are many occasions when it is useful to come together to support the study of languages.
Alliance of Modern Languages, Area Studies and Linguistics Subject Associations UK (AMLUK)
The Society is a member of the Alliance of Modern Languages, Area Studies and Linguistics Subject Associations UK, which was formed with the goal of fostering discussion across three subject areas with porous boundaries: Modern Languages, Area Studies, and Linguistics. This Special Interest Group emerged out of those conversations with the intention of bringing together these disciplinary fields more formally to explore common ground, with a particular focus on research strategy, identity and delivery. A primary function of this group is to keep channels of communication across the three disciplinary fields open, developing the capacity to participate in research strategy discussions across the UK and Ireland in a coherent way. AMLUK is organised through the Council for Languages.
British Academy Learned Societies and Subject Associations Network
The Society is a member of the Humanities and Social Sciences Learned Societies and Subject Associations Network, which is convened by the British Academy. The network brings together interested parties and academics from across the arts, humanities and social sciences in order to discuss a range of issues and policy developments pertinent to these disciplines. The network meets annually at the British Academy and includes invited speakers from relevant stakeholders to offer insight into areas of debate and policy activity. The network is also used to disseminate information of relevance to learned societies and subject associations, as well as to collect input on the Academy’s policy work by email in between meetings.
Committee for Linguistics in Education (CLIE)
The Society is a member of the Committee for Linguistics in Education which aims to build bridges between researchers and practitioners in the teaching of modern foreign languages, English, and linguistics. CLIE provides a range of resources to support schools in teaching children whose first or second language is English. CLIE also make evidence-based comment on education policy, curriculum and assessment. The UK Linguistic Olympiad is organised by CLIE.
Languages, Society and Policy
The Philological Society is part of a consortium of learned societies supporting the journal Language Society and Policy. This is an open access online journal publishing high-quality peer-reviewed language research that addresses issues concerning languages, cultures, and societies in accessible and non-technical language. The mission of LSP is to draw research insights from the widest possible spectrum of the field aiming for broad, feasible and impactful policy recommendations. They aim to connect insights about language and its role in culture and communication with wider societal questions, including those related to law, migration, equality, and inclusiveness, as well as the vital role of intercultural understanding for international collaboration on these and other big issues of our times.
Permanent International Committee of Linguists/Comité International Permanent des Linguists (CIPL)
The Philological Society is a member of the General Assembly of the Comité International Permanent des Linguistes/Permanent International Committee of Linguists, a non-profit, non-governmental organization whose aim is to promote the knowledge of linguistics throughout the world, to encourage the development of linguistic science and to stimulate co-operation among linguists. Every five years, CIPL organises the International Congress of Linguists, and it has a particular commitment to endangered languages.
UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO)
The Philological Society is one of the major sponsors of the United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad, a language-analysis competition for all ages organised by CLIE, who support both teachers and students to encourage participation in the Olympiad and create linguistics puzzles and run competitions for school children to inspire students to develop a lifelong interest in the world’s languages. Members of the Society with the appropriate background are encouraged to get involved, for instance as markers.
University Council for General and Applied Linguistics (UCGAL)
The Society is a member of the University Council for General and Applied Linguistics. UCGAL aims to ensure co-operation and co-ordination between major learned societies and associations in the field to promote research, teaching and learning, and scholarship in all aspects of linguistics. UCGAL works to promote the sustainability of the field and to play a role in the formulation of policies and their adoption by appropriate national and international agencies.
The University Council for Languages (UCFL)
The Society supports the University Council for Languages, an organisation that brings together representatives of subject areas and member institutions in all fields related to languages teaching and research. It represents the views and opinions of scholars and professionals in modern languages and cognate disciplines to Government, the funding councils and other bodies at national level, and it collects and disseminates information about the state of study, research and teaching of modern languages and cognate disciplines in the United Kingdom. It also provides a forum for debate on any issues of concern to its members.
World Philology Union (WPU)
The Philological Society is a member of the World Philology Union and a signatory to its Constitution. The World Philology Union is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit international institution association whose purpose is to promote philology worldwide, understood as the study of texts in languages of the world, in research, education, society and culture.