PhilSoc Meetings

PhilSoc usually holds seven meetings each academic year, in October, November, January, February, March, May and June (AGM). At most meetings, a full paper is read; other meetings take the format of a thematic symposium. Significant announcements made at meetings are reported on the homepage of the Society's website.

Unless otherwise indicated, tea is served at 3.45pm and the meeting begins at 4.15pm.

The Society has a YouTube channel where video recordings of some of its past meetings may be found.

PhilSoc welcomes proposals for papers to be read at meetings. Proposals should be forwarded to the Honorary Secretary (contact details on the Contact page). Papers may be on any topic falling within the scope of PhilSoc's interests, but speakers are asked to bear in mind that the audience will represent a wide range of linguistic interests, and papers should therefore be accessible to non-specialists.


March 2025

Negotiating multilingualism - Language conflict in times of war and times of peace
Monika Schmid (York)

This lecture will be given in hybrid modality, at Jesus College, Cambridge, and via Zoom.


May 2025

On the Imperative and the Optative in Old Japanese
Bjarke Frellesvig (Oxford)

The lecture will be given at University College London.

Please note that all ordinary meetings commence at 4:15pm. Members are welcome to come for tea at 3:45 pm.


June 2025

AGM & Lecture: Myths and Monsters – Beowulf and the Etymologists
Richard Dance (St Catharine's College, Cambridge)

This lecture will be given in hybrid modality, at Somerville College, Oxford, and via Zoom.