Robins Prize

Once every two years PhilSoc holds a competition for the R. H. Robins student Prize for an article on a linguistic topic that falls within the area of the Society's interests. It is named after the former PhilSoc President Professor R. H. (“Bobby”) Robins.

The Prize is awarded in open competition to anyone who is both:
(i) a registered student (at the time of submission); they should submit a letter from their supervisor, or from a person of similar standing, attesting to their status and that the submission is their own work); and,
(ii) a Member or Student Associate Member of PhilSoc.

Submissions can be singly or jointly authored, and can (but need not) have been based on some part of a projected doctoral or masters dissertation. The submission should not have been published before (except possibly in a departmental working paper or the like), nor should it have been submitted for publication elsewhere.

The author(s) of the winning submission will receive a cash prize of £500 (shared equally between the authors of a jointly authored submission); the author(s) of the runner-up essay will receive a cash prize of £250 (again, shared equally as appropriate).  Additionally, the prize-winning and runner-up submissions will be considered for publication in Transactions of the Philological Society, subject to the usual peer-review process. In making a submission, authors must undertake to give the Transactions first refusal to publish the article.

The prize will be awarded by PhilSoc Council on the recommendation of a prize committee formed from members of Council and selected peer-reviewers, with the President in the Chair. In awarding the prize the Council will take into consideration the originality of the submission and the theoretical and/or empirical contribution it makes to the discipline. Council reserves the right not to award the prize if there are no submissions of sufficient merit.

The winner and runner-up will be announced at the Society's Annual General Meeting in June 2023.

Past Winners:


Emily Lindsay-Smith


Revisiting the Clitic/Affix Distinction in Arabic


Amanda Thomas   (Oxford)                             (Runner-up)

Multiple factors in the licensing of null arguments: null objects in Brazilian Portuguese


Laura Arnold
(joint winner)

Highs and lows: towards reconstructing the word-prosodic system of proto-Ambel


Mari Aigro
(joint winner)

Polar question particles and their sources: a semantic approach to grammaticalisation


Jade Jørgen Sandstedt

Transparency and blocking in Early Old Norwegian height harmony


Charlotte Hemmings

Kelabit voice: Philippine-type, Indonesian-type or something a bit different? (TPhS 113.3, 383–405)


Silva Nurmio

Collective nouns in Welsh: a noun category or a plural allomorph?


Helen Sims-Williams

Analogical levelling and optimisation: the treatment of pointless lexical allomorphy in Greek


No prize awarded


Thomas Rainsford
(Runner up)

Dividing lines: the Changing syntax and prosody ... in Medieval French verse (TPhS 109.3 265-283)


Francesco Ciconte

The emergence ... of the existential pro-form: evidence from ... Italo-Romance (TPhS 109.3 284-306)


Petros Karatsareas

The loss of grammatical gender in Cappadocian Greek (TPhS 107.2: 196-230)


Susana Afonso
(Runner up)

Existentials as impersonalising devices: the case of European Portuguese (TPhS106.2: 180-215)


Louise Mycock

Constituent question formation and focus: A new typological perspective (TPhS 105.2: 192--251)


Sarah Turner
(University College, Oxford)

Post-verbal subjects in Early East Slavonic (TPhS 104.1: 85--117)


Virve-Anneli Vihman (Edinburgh)

Middle voice in Estonian (TPhS 100.1: 131--160)