PhilSoc monographs
About the series
In pursuit of its charitable goals, and as funds permit, PhilSoc supports research in linguistics and philology by financing the publication of a series of original research monographs, including those whose specialised topic may fall outside the remit of commercial publishers. The series is called Publications of the Philological Society and is edited by the Publications Secretary (Monographs).
All current members of PhilSoc are entitled to electronic access to all the publications in this series since 2016. A list of recent publications can be found on the publisher’s website under Monograph Series.
In addition to electronic access, Ordinary and Honorary members of PhilSoc (but not Student Associates) are eligible to request one printed copy of each publication in the series that is published during the course of their membership. Requests should ordinarily be made not later than the end of the calendar year after the date of publication (e.g. end of 2021 for a monograph published in 2020). Printed copies are only available to those who paid (or were exempt from paying) the subscription for the year of publication and who remain up to date with their subscriptions. Requests should be made via the form at
The publication for 2021 was Diachronic Dialectology: New Methods and Case Studies in Medieval Norwegian by Tamsin Blaxter. In 2020 we published The Phonology of Classical Latin by András Cser. The publications for 2019 were Words derived from Old Norse in 'Sir Gawain and the Green Knight': An etymological survey by Richard Dance and Grammatical Number in Welsh: Diachrony and Typology by Silva Nurmio. These titles are available electronically to all members of PhilSoc via the links provided.
There are several publications forthcoming in this series; details will be circulated to members by e-mail as they are released.
How to submit a proposal
PhilSoc encourages all researchers, whether or not they are members, to submit proposals for research monographs for publication. All proposals are subject to a rigorous peer-review process. Our standards are extremely high and only proposals with a very positive recommendation from the reviewers are considered for publication. Prior to submitting a proposal, potential authors should discuss it with the series editor, Dr Melanie Green.